
Let’s Address The Dream Gap vs. Gender Gap

The Gender Gap in STEAM-related fields is a well-known issue. The Gender Gap is the difference between the way men and women are treated in society, or between what men and women do and achieve. This is another very common issue in STEM-related fields and why we don’t see as many women in these areas compared to men. Studies show that 22% of women working in STEM are considering leaving their workforce compared to just 12% of women working in other fields. 32% of women in STEM stated that stress or burnout were their main reasons for wanting to leave their jobs immediately. Many women in STEM also reported that sexism plays a role as well, where 70% of women believed their employer valued their male colleagues over them.

Another significant hurdle is the Dream Gap. The Dream Gap refers to the diminishing confidence and courage in young girls due to consistent gender biases. Research shows that as early as age five, many girls begin to develop self-limiting beliefs and think they’re not as smart and as capable as boys. Another studies finding shows that only 9% of girls between the ages of 13 and 17 are interested in STEM careers. The Dream Gap plays a role in steering girls away from STEAM-related fields and activities because if they can’t see female role models in these areas, they find it hard to have the confidence and courage to imagine themselves in them.

This is where the Theodora S.T.E.A.M. Girls come into play. They are here to combat the Dream Gap by being young girls biggest cheerleaders, and to inspire and encourage them that they can be whatever pulls at their heartstrings. Let’s be a part of the change and empower our little girls to pursue their dreams!